🧠 💪 Optimal Living

Get actionable content directly to your email inbox to help you:

  • Achieve optimal health and well-being

  • Have a fit and strong physique

  • Be more creative and productive

  • Think more clearly and focus better

🤔 What I’ve learned

I am fascinated by the human physiology and enjoy learning how my body works.

Personally, I enjoy looking for ways to improve my physical and mental wellbeing to help me progress towards my goals.

As I do a lot of research, in this newsletter I'm simply sharing what I've learned.

I follow a great quote by Socrates in writing the newsletter:

“It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Your body and your mind are the only things you really own in life.

They are your vehicle for travelling through life.

They are yours to take care of, to cultivate and to flourish.

You owe them that.

Take care of your body and mind and they will take care of you.

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Optimal living for physical and mental well-being to achieve your goals.


Rocket scientist and space entrepreneur writing Human Memos newsletter on optimal living, health and performance and Beyond Pale Blue about the space industry. Founder, CEO and CTO of Liftero space startup.